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Roots of Mine, Grove of Anaheim 9/23/2022

Photo credits:

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth, Grove of Anaheim Theatre

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim

Roots of Mine, Fortunate Youth Grove of Anaheim